Thursday, June 02, 2005


So finally I've decided to pen down my xperiences , inspired
by all the others.Its been almost a month since I arrived in
the USA . Everything has been a great experience so far .
Beginning with ' the First Flight ' , the arrival in Savannah
( GA ) , and Atlanta City .


It was about 2:30 am in the morning/(night) when I boarded
the plane at Delhi Airport , for Frankfurt . Then for an
unusually long time , it was night . Then all a sudden it became
brighter . And again not so bright .
9 hours of flight and 5 hours backwards in time ... at 6:30 am
I was in Frankfurt . The town looked really pretty as the
aircraft descended . For the unfortunate part of the 747 is
that it flies so high that u can see nothing but clouds all over .
Frankfurt airport was a great sight . Through the lobbies I
could see rows and rows of 747s and Airbuses parked like
the rows of taxis in Delhi .

Hung around for a while , clicked a whole lot of photographs ,
thoroughly enjoying every bit of this nex xperience . Then was
the flight to Atlanta .Another 9 hour flight and now a total
of 9:30 hrs backwards in the time machine . This time an A 340 .
I preferred this flight , it wasn't as cramped as the first .
Atlanta airport ... a busy American airport . The nice thing
was they were pretty efficient about everything . Immigration
took me barely 30 seconds !!! From Identity to Baggage ,
nothing was questioned . I managed to meet my cousin at
the Airport . After 10 years .

Then was a 30 minute flight to Savannah , GA . This was the best
part of the journey . For at least I managed to enjoy the coastal Georgia countryside n marshes from top . And I managed to correct my Hollywood-gifted-opinion of the US countryside being nothing
but a treeless desert . For thats just not true . There are green
trees n forests all over the place . Except for Southern California
where they shoot all the movies...


Pretty remote place , 20 minutes drive from downtown
Savannah , and as deteched from reality as KGP . But its
a nice , beautiful place . Manage to go to the malls and
restraunts pretty often so it doesnt matter . And downtown
Savannah is Georgia's most tourist-infested-area .
Historic sort of city . Lots of Ships n boats all over .
Regarding the work and the work place .
I realised that it's not everyday that one gets a computer
with nVidia graphics card ... so I'm using it to the fullest
... NEED FOR SPEED - Underground 2 !!!

This is something I've almost never done in
KGP ( playing games on the Comp ) but now I feel I
missed out somethin great ...Thats xactly how I felt
when I got drunk for the first time on Illumination Night ..
and perpetually ever after .. .... and i have to remind myself

Regarding work .. I'd just love to see the SkipperImaging project bcome a hit in the Software Markets ...

ATLANTA TRIP : ( 27th - 29th May )

** The City which hosted Olymipcs 96
** The City where Coke started
** The City where the CNN Center is
** The City where it doesnt take more than an hour to get hooked :)
** And lots more which i don't know...

It was a big change to see the sky-scrapery skyline of Atlanta
as compared to the smaller Savannah city .

Monday, October 04, 2004

So I'm back after a week long break from my blog . Well , after discussing
so many interesting things like the Big Bong Theory and BarKing dogS
( read my previous blogs if u don't know what I'm talking about ),
my mind needed a kind of break to refresh my creativity .
Today was a busy day . And another exciting episode of Power Systems
Lab came to an end.....( another rerun next week same day same time )
The guy in charge in the lab was not a sadistic bastard like most of his
companions . Lots of other things happened in the week .
Looking forward to going home two weeks from now . But I still haven't
felt motivated enough to get the tickets done . I better get them done
quickly . I not all that eager to spend 10 lonely days in this pot holed ruin
called West Bengal .
>> C u

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Back Again .... after a six month break ....
Didn't feel like blogging in the summers , bcoz I was **imprisoned** .
I had managed to get the horrible **F** word on my grade card ( F for flunk , what
did u think , bloody pervert ? ) so I had to wash away my sins in the sweat of the KGP heat .
Today I feel like blogging bcoz i handed in my last mid sem paper -- Heat Transfer--
and yeah , it sure does feel like a whole lot of hot air has been transferred from my
mind . And no , I dont think I'll qualify for an F in this .
As i entered the exam room today , I happily took my seat in the first bench , right
beneath the fan . So sad . Only Two Minutes later I realized that a fan over your head
wont save u in the exam hall ; a friend in front of u will . I decided to take a seat towards
the rear , but the prof didnt let me . For the same reasons for which I wanted to run
from my seat , my prof didnt want me too . Moral of the story : All that glitters is not gold
-- the fan above my head was meant to hang me . The front seat is only good for those
who wish to rush out to pee a little too frequently ....

****All characters in this epside are fictitious , lest they read my blog .******

Now with the exams over , I'm at a loose end . Or so I thought . Boy , how wrong I was .
I went to Prof. XYZ who had been seemingly kind in hiring me ( or rather , renting me
out ) @ 1500 pm . He had called me a week ago for 'some work' for which I finally decided
to contact him . I happily told him that my exams were over , I had 4 days free , and I'd
manage to put in ( some ) free time for his work . ( how else could i collect my wages on
the 31st of the month , if i'd show him my face for the first time in the next month ??? )
Prof. XYZ gave me something to do . I happily told him , yes sir , chaar din
mein bahut peacefully ho jaayega . Me and my big mouth . He immediately set me half
a dozen more things to do . I always thought of XYZ as a very sweet and kind person for
actually paying us idlers for our time . I changed my opinion when I found out that his
software packages sell @ 500 times the amount which he gives us for pocket money.

Speaking of noise pollution , I've been doing my bit by making myself ( and my wing )
listen to a load of absolute crap 18 hrs a day . Brain dead beats somehow set my brain working
exam time .

Do you match the following criteria :
1) Have prashantbhattacharji on your Yahoo messenger list
2) Have bhattacharji as your surname ?

If so , kindly stop reading my blog beyond this lakshman rekha ,
*************(PARENTS PROHIBITED is what i meant ) *****

Holy Smoke !

Some one offered me a cigaratte . Much as i thot i never would ,
I decided to give it a try . No , I didnt like it . It was way too bitter .
Forbidden fruit is not always the sweetest .

(Uncensored version of the story is known to those who know. )

Did I bore you with my blog ?
If so , your fault for wasting time reading it ....

Bye ,
>> Prash

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Its raining heavily .
When it rains it really pours ......
Both Outside n Inside the Hall .
Outside its obviously the weather .
Inside.. After staying peaceful for more than a month
or so Diwal day / Illumination night r 2 weeks from now..
and ......only a kgpian reading this message will get what
I mean .. :)